Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center, Troy NY
Die Dynamik der Autoren, 2000
Color video, 9 minutes
Courtesy of the artists and Johan König, Berlin
Tue Greenfort's Die Dynamik der Autoren is a video response to the exhibition project Exchange, for which the artists Elmgreen and Dragset contributed
Powerless Structures, Fig 112, a nomadic white cube placed at Stäedelschule, Frankfurt am Main, from 2000 to 2001. In his response, Greenfort locks
the curator and one of the exhibition organizers in the cube and records their escape. Shot from above, the video shows the two individuals entering the structure,
their eventual realization of their entrapment, and their collaboration to scale the walls. The piece humorously makes the white cube, the archetype for contemporary
culture of aesthetic display (famously illuminated in Brian O'Doherty's Inside the White Cube) a prison from which the museum workers must free themselves.
Drawing on the history of experimental gallery-based practices, Die Dynamik der Autoren actively employs the display space and the viewer who inhabits it to
create the artwork itself.
EXHIBITIONTue Greenfort, Uncertain Spectator / Video still from Die Dynamik der Autoren, 2000, courtesy of Johann König, Berlin.
EXHIBITIONTue Greenfort, Uncertain Spectator / Video still from Die Dynamik der Autoren, 2000, courtesy of Johann König, Berlin.
EXHIBITIONTue Greenfort, Uncertain Spectator / Video still from Die Dynamik der Autoren, 2000, courtesy of Johann König, Berlin.